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Is the blood in the darkness novel too bloody?

  • From:
  • Posted: 08/16/2018 04:14PM
  • City: Mumbai
  • Description:
  • You decide. The publishers said this novel is too gory, so they passed on it and I published it myself. The Blood in the Darkness starts out being about Jack the Ripper and takes a twisted turn of events where Jack becomes a vampire-like being in the modern day world. Too gruesome? Too chilling? Too bloody? Interesting those publishers should say that. But then again, some people that have read it can’t seem to get enough of it and are begging for more, shall we say, blood and guts. Buy it at prices starting at 3.00 at Amazon, Do author name search –Joel Goulet-at bookseller site. Read it for FREE on Kindle Unlimited at - Sell, Buy, Rent, Trade, Announce, or Advertise Something in your Community absolutely free!!