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My data team global data entry & traditional data entry jobs $49.95

  • From: Reply to this Listing Anonymous - click here to reply
  • Posted: 03/14/2014 09:08AM
  • City: Los angeles
  • State: USA
  • Price: $49.95
  • Description:
  • We've guided thousands of team members to success using our new type of data-entry job program called Global Data Entry.We're a legitimate company, offering legitimate work-from-home data-entry and general job opportunities that have proven to be successful. We stand behind these opportunities 100% and have a proven track record with our team members that actually earn income with our job programs. If you were to ask us the biggest difference between our work-from-home job program and all of the other work-from-home job programs on the Internet, the answer would be this: Our company gives you the actual training and jobs to perform; you get paid for the work you perform. You'll find that other programs will charge you money and only give you a list of links to job openings, leaving the rest up to you. All we have to say about those programs is, "Good Luck"! Also notice: if anyone charges you for an actual job, it is more than likely a scam. - Sell, Buy, Rent, Trade, Announce, or Advertise Something in your Community absolutely free!!