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Blessings ministries

  • From:
  • Posted: 11/15/2019 05:00AM
  • City: San francisco
  • Phone Number: 4156890773
  • Keywords: Rastafarian church San Francisco
  • Description:
  • Welcome to the blessings Ministries of weed church based meditation center which offers more than the best San Francisco dispensary. Rastafarian church San Francisco also offers a space for members and clients to practice their spiritual, religious and healing practices in a safe, relaxed and focused environment. Every individual’s purpose is unique. There are those who merely want to achieve a better sense of relaxation and peace. Others may work towards performing better in their careers and relationships. Our Meditation Center in Rastafarian cannabis church San Francisco is a privately owned, volunteer-based organization dedicated to spiritual growth. We are not affiliated with or financially supported by any other organization and rely completely on the tithing’s collected from class participants and members. Blessings’ San Francisco cannabis church based meditation center offers more than the best San Francisco dispensary. We offer spiritual growth and healing services that many San Francisco dispensaries do not. Being number one with God is a greater honor than being the best dispensary in San Francisco weed church. Website : - Sell, Buy, Rent, Trade, Announce, or Advertise Something in your Community absolutely free!!