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Outsource litigation support services for your law firms

  • From:
  • Posted: 06/10/2016 12:58AM
  • City: Victorville
  • Phone Number: +1-646-688-2821
  • Keywords: litigation support services
  • Description:
  • Taking on lawsuits is an exhausting job – even the way you portray yourself to your clients often provides them an idea of how you work as a specialist. With the volume of paperwork to be taken care of and the documents you will need to present your client, it is favorable to outsource Litigation Support Services, which will assist in systematizing your files and undertaking the tasks conveniently. We at LSW offer world-class litigation services and take care of drafting of complaints, motions and all the intermediate steps of litigation, i.e. drafting of Answers, Interrogatories. An Overview of Our Litigation Support Services: • Legal Drafting • Legal Coding and Indexing • Document Review • E-Discovery • Deposition Summaries • Medical Record Review We offer a 14-day trial for our affiliations. Call us at: +1-646-688-2821 Email: - Sell, Buy, Rent, Trade, Announce, or Advertise Something in your Community absolutely free!!