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Never hesitate to call an injury attorney

  • From: Reply to this Listing Anonymous - click here to reply
  • Posted: 01/05/2015 01:23AM
  • City: minneapolis, mn 55402
  • State: MINNESOTA
  • Phone Number: 612-332-2000
  • Keywords: Injury Attorney, Injury Attorney MN, Injury Law
  • Description:
  • Often people get hurt when they are working and this is also a reality that sometimes they do not get the compensation which should match the injuries they have suffered and that are why it is always a good idea to call a Injury Attorney Minneapolis.

    The law firm of Meshbesher and associates has a very proven track record of helping clients get their due when they have been injured because they know how to investigate and then decide upon the amount which us equitable to their client. 

    For More information contact:
    Meshbesher & Associates

    10 S Fifth St
    Suite 225
    Minneapolis, MN 55402
    Call us at 612-332-2000
    Facsimile: (612) 332-2077
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