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How to choose a good criminal lawyer

  • From:
  • Posted: 09/25/2014 11:14PM
  • City: Hackensack,
  • State: NEW JERSEY
  • Phone Number: 201-525-1555
  • Keywords: Sex Crimes, Drug Crimes, Fraud Crimes, Criminal Ap
  • Description:
  • State Bar website – If you are looking for very experienced and successful lawyers, choose this option as the official website of your state will have some of the best criminal lawyers listed.

    Online directories – There are many directories on line which list some of the prominent professionals from different fields. You can look for criminal attorneys from your area and shortlist a few and fix up an appointment to discuss your case. Finalize the one who you feel would represent you most aggressively and who looks very confident and knowledgeable about legal matters.
    Visit courtrooms – You can actually visit court houses and see how some of your shortlisted attorneys actually perform in court and choose the most impressive one.
    Referrals – Make enquiries amongst your friends and acquaintances and see if somebody has already dealt with some proficient lawyer whom you can hire too. 
    Contact Details
    Law Offices of Ron Bar-Nadav
    161 S River St
    Hackensack, NJ 07601
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