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Say goodbye to pain with prp treatment and stem cell therapy

  • From:
  • Posted: 07/04/2014 01:33AM
  • City: Los angeles
  • Phone Number: (323) 285-5300
  • Keywords: Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment
  • Description:
  • Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment (PRP treatment) and Stem Cell Therapy have become the most proven way of treating pain and host of other issues – minus any need of incision. MetroMD is one of the major exponents of these modern treatment techniques – and serving it to render cure from lingering bodily pain discomforts of people from every walks of life in California. This treatment revolves around boosting the platelet cells count in the body thus acting as a shield. This technique is commonly used to treat pain that result of injury. PRP helps in rejuvenating the skin and other cells in the body. MetroMD uses your own cells in the treatment and hence there is no risk of a transmissible infection. For details around the PRP therapy call +1.323.285.5300 - Sell, Buy, Rent, Trade, Announce, or Advertise Something in your Community absolutely free!!