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Treatment for cancer – chemotherapy

  • From:
  • Posted: 06/25/2014 07:08AM
  • City: Worldwide
  • State: WORLDWIDE
  • Keywords: Cancer Treatments, Chemotherapy
  • Description:
  • Atavistic Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy Contrary to popular belief, chemotherapy does not refer only to the use of toxic drugs to treat cancer. By definition, chemotherapy is simply a therapy based on the use of chemicals (drugs). In the case of depression, for example, a psychiatrist may opt to treat a patient with chemotherapy (chemical medications), instead of using psychotherapy or electro-convulsive therapy. In reality, a practice as common as taking vitamins to prevent or treat a disease is chemotherapy, because vitamins are chemicals (drugs), the same as using Tylenol® (acetaminophen), Advil® (Ibuprofen), etc. Immunotherapy is defined as a treatment whose goal is to modify the immune system to achieve health. As is the case with chemotherapy, the use of immunotherapy is not limited to cancer treatment; many other diseases can be treated within this fashion. - Sell, Buy, Rent, Trade, Announce, or Advertise Something in your Community absolutely free!!