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Looking for a personal injury attorney minneapolis?

  • From:
  • Posted: 03/29/2014 03:12AM
  • City: Minneapolis, minnesota 55402
  • State: MN
  • Phone Number: 612-332-2000
  • Keywords: Personal Injury Attorney Minneapolis
  • Description:
  • Has someone caused you or your loved ones any injury in and around Minneapolis? Have you received any kind of compensation against it? If not yet, then you must do so ASAP. As it is a legal matter, you will need services of a personal injury attorney who will take up your case on your behalf with the competent authorities.


    Steve is a very diligent Personal injury Attorney Minneapolis and has handled thousands of personal injury cases with staggering success. The cases have varied from car accidents to work place injuries and from dog-bite to defective product caused injuries. Whatever be the case, Steve has always managed to win handsome compensations for his/their clients.  Call Steve at (612) 332-2000 or log on to and get your deserving compensation.



    Meshbesher & Associates

    10 S. Fifth St. – Suite 225

    Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402

    Phone: (612) 332-2000

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